Acne Be Gone
Ingredients; Lavender, Patchouli, Melaleuca, Lemon, Aloe Vera Gel.
5 ml. Stainless Steel Roll On, in glass bottle.
Make sure area of concern is very clean first. You don`t want to pick up any bacteria into roller. Apply to problem area twice a day if possible. Spot roll, not over the whole area. Gently rub in to the skin. Acne is a very hard thing to work with, It`s caused by many things, hormonal, stress, the foods we eat, etc. Do Not Get In Eyes.
This is a serum I made for my granddaughter Abby, may be changing the name soon to Abby`s Acne ! I worked very hard making a lot of products for her, this one seemed to work the best of all.
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