Are you wanting to quit, or trying to quit Smoking?? This inhaler is designed to help take the craving /erg away. Your going to treat the inhaler as you would a cigarette. You get approximately 12 drags from a cigarette, so this is how many times your going to inhale each time you get the erg to light up. At even inhalation just like taking a puff. The oils are meant to relax you take the temptation, cravings away.
The way to use an inhaler is, I say don`t insert into nose. Maybe you were sick last week, don`t want it again this week. Don`t want to spread germs if someone needs to borrow. Place very closely to nose plugging the other nostril, inhale deeply, couple of times, do the same on other nostril. you should be able to taste or feel in you throat. Now you know it`s in the mucus membranes. Inhalers if used properly will work very soon after inhalation. Will stay in your system for about 4 hours, can use as often as needed. will last about 6 months. All natural
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