Carrot Seed


Daucus carota

Helps to heal dry, chapped and cracked skin, moisture the hair, Good oil for face and neck treatment, may help with wrinkles and revitalize your skin, Stress, Anxiety, Diuretic, Arthritis, Circulation, Muscles, Joints, Strengthens the mucus membranes in nose, throat,lungs, beneficial for Bronchitis, Influenza.

15 ml blue bottle



More description coming soon!

Kim’s Boutique is not held responsible for any reactions to ingredients

I receive my Essential Oils from a company that has been in business since 1908. that works with hundred of farmers in the United States and in over 30 countries from around the world. They supply to a lot of large companies that sell essential oils, with several grades to chose from Natural, Organic, Kosher, Food Grade, Pure Essential Oils. I`m a Certified Aromatherapist so only believing in the best Pure Organic Top Grade Essential Oils to work with.