Pain In The Butt Sciatica Nerve


Ingredients; Copaiba Balsam, Clove Bud, Frankincense, Frankincense, Fractionated Coconut Oil.

5 ml. Stainless Steel Roll On, in glass bottle.

SKU: PITB1 Category:


How to use the Pain In The Butt Serum. Roll on bottom back of heel, rub this point in with a little more pressure, second place go down from the inside of pinky finger to the lines on wrist roll at this point, third place apply to the shelf of the ear and rub in  Never Put Essential Oils in the Ears, Can apply to lower back for added relief.  This one blend you will receive a flyer on how to use correctly.
The sciatica is the largest and deepest nerve we have so you must use the reflexology pulse points to have results. Rolling on the buttocks will never get it done.
DO NOT USE IF PREGNANT, or BREAST FEEDING, Caution with children under 5 years of age.